Faith in Housing

Joining Together

Congregations across all faiths dedicate themselves to solving the immediate survival needs of people who are experiencing homelessness. After thousands of volunteer hours and decades of collecting donated items, some congregations choose to live their faith by using their congregational resources to also create affordable housing.

Faith In Housing began as a workshop showcasing Charlotte congregations creating affordable housing, an event sponsored by the Stan Greenspon Holocaust & Social Justice Education Center at Queens University of Charlotte.

What resources are these congregations deploying?



Houses on congregational land provided an opportunity for Christ Episcopal Church congregants to live their faith using these on-site assets.

Capital Campaign

Covenant Presbyterian Church chose to finance affordable housing three miles away as part of its 2018 capital campaign, For A Whole Community.



Caldwell Presbyterian Church is reimagining its education building, originally built to serve surging Sunday School popularity in the mid-20th century.


Responding to NIMBY, this church hosted its neighbors on a bus trip in its quest to create affordable housing on vacant church land.

Video footage reflects an earlier architectural plan. The Housing Partnership is now DreamKey Partners; Mayfield Memorial Baptist Church is now The Field.